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Senami Maugbe

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Starting as a young fashion creative can be such a hassle, especially in a niche that is still in its elementary phase. But Style Senami was unfazed and determined when she decided to become a fashion stylist and consultant in Nigeria. 

Senami Maugbe aka Style Senami; describes herself as a fashion creative whose biggest edge is how she creates personas with her styling. "My ability to create unconventional, unorthodox styling, my eye for details, and developing personalities through styling. These are the reasons I stand out." She says. 

For Senami, fashion has always been the goal. From fashion blogging to designing, influencing, and styling, Senami did it all, and she excelled at it. Yet she recognizes that being creative is not a linear path without hurdles. "It’s never easy. I take social media breaks and try to fixate on the positive sides, because I have more to lose when I give up." 

Photographed by Wale Adebisi

Dreams and visions are often common propellers for most creatives, but Senami isn't most creatives. "It's really God for real. I don't see myself in five years. I'm just focused on the present. Living it, enjoying it, and letting God." It's quite surreal to experience such a level of brazen assurance and belief in God as Senami does.

On collaborations, she hopes to partner with industry big shots like Jaded London and Jacquemus. Simply because she admires their work and hopes to work together with such masterminds in the future. 

Photographed by Wale Adebisi

Finally, Senami's sensational styling isn't the only exceptional thing about her. Another trait worthy of note is her self-awareness. Her deep knowledge of self stems from years of searching and attaining self-discovery. More than ever, Senami believes in the power of finding your aspiration and working towards it. 

"Just do you because no one cares. And we are all going to die anyway. So, don’t waste your time living someone else’s dream."