"Fashion is expression. It's the thing that speaks for me first before I even open my mouth" - Guapé

For fashion district this week, we conducted a mini interview with Tomi Agapé, founder of Guapé and her journey with designing her shoe wear line and finding out a bit more about the designer.

Can you tell us the story behind Guapè, Basically what inspired you to start?

Guapé came just as organically as music did for me. I've always loved fashion and it's been a major part of my image. In June 2024 I was making shoes for myself just for fun and every time I posted them on my Instagram story I'd get loads of DM's asking where they were from.. in person I'd get compliments & questions also. So I decided you know what? I'm gunna do this. 1 month later, Guapé was here.  

How has starting a fashion brand influenced your personal style?

I think my style and Guapé go hand in hand. I make what I like and what I'd wear. I'm kind of my own muse right now

Tell us about one of your designs and also your  favorite boots from Guapè?

My very first drop was the "orchid collection". This collection was special to me because it's my mums favourite flower. I loved vintage Manolo Blahnik's and I wanted to create something just as beautiful with Guapé. I've done orchid kitten mules, high mules & stiletto heels. I'm just having fun with it.. it feels amazing creating and bringing it to life. My favourite boots from Guapé are the all black orchid boots. Sexy, chic and black.. just like me!

What does fashion mean to you personally?

Fashion is expression. It's the thing that speaks for me first before I even open my mouth.

Who are your biggest influences in fashion and beyond?

I think my top two would be Tracee Ellis Ross and Rihanna. They have fun with fashion and I love that. Rihanna also really inspires me on a music & business level.. she's really shown the girls that we can be multifaceted and do it all. I started with music but I have sooo much more to offer. I'm talented & smart enough to run my own business.

What’s your creative process like?

my creative process isn't really the same all the time. My brain runs a million miles per hour! I'll see something and just automatically know that this mixed with this and adding a little bit of that will turn into this beautiful shoe. I can't really explain it.. it just comes. I think about textures and colours and how it'll look all together. I also kind of know what will work. And if it doesn't.. it's ok because the next one will.

Any new designs on the way from Guapè?

For sure.

When you’re not designing or curating a piece, what can we catch you doing?

Making music, listening to music, eating, reading a novel or binge watching a comfort show.